Female K-Pop Idols Born In 1992

Hani Exid

Here you can see all Female K-Pop idols in the database that were born in 1992 (Kpop female ’92 liners).

Girl pictured above is Hani from EXID.

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Male 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Female 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

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Profile Stage Name Full Name K. Stage Name Date of Birth Age Group Country Gender
SoyouKang Jihyun소유1992-02-1233SISTARSouth KoreaF
ProfileHyunAKim Hyuna현아1992-06-06324minuteSouth KoreaF
ProfileYunaSeo Yuna유나1992-12-3032AoASouth KoreaF
ProfileYuraKim Ahyoung유라1992-11-0632Girl's DaySouth KoreaF
ProfileHaniAhn Hee-yeon하니1992-05-0132EXIDSouth KoreaF
ProfileSunmiLee Sunmi선미1992-05-0232Wonder GirlsSouth KoreaF
ProfileHyerimWoo Hyerim혜림 1992-09-0132Wonder GirlsSouth KoreaF
KeumjoLee Keumjo금조1992-12-17329MusesSouth KoreaF
AmberAmber Josephine Liu엠버1992-09-1832f(x)USAF
ProfileBabysoulLee Soojung베이비소울1992-07-0632LovelyzSouth KoreaF
ProfileYujeongKim Yujeong유정1992-02-1433South KoreaF
MoonbyulMoon Byulyi문별1992-12-2232MamamooSouth KoreaF
HyejiJeong Hyeji혜지1992-04-02324TENSouth KoreaF
LizzyPark Sooyoung리지1992-07-3132After SchoolSouth KoreaF
E-YoungNoh Yiyoung이영1992-08-1632After SchoolSouth KoreaF
K.MeNa Miri케이미1992-04-1032BADKIZSouth KoreaF
ProfileEunjiHong Eunji은지1992-07-1932Brave GirlsSouth KoreaF
YoojinJang Yoojin유진1992-09-1432South KoreaF
Lee HaeinLee Haein이해인1992-07-0432I.B.ISouth KoreaF
GaeunCho Kaeun가은1992-07-2832South KoreaF
YunjiLee Yunji윤지1992-04-0432PlaybackSouth KoreaF
JerrryAhn Sohyun제리1992-08-2732TahitiSouth KoreaF
EunyoungJoo Eunyoung은영1992-06-1232Two XSouth KoreaF
NariKim Nari나리1992-10-0532WassupSouth KoreaF
YoonjoShin Yoonjo윤조1992-12-1432UNI.TSouth KoreaF
HyunjiKim Hyunji현지1992-06-3032HashtagSouth KoreaF