Female K-Pop Idols Born In 1989

Kwon Yuri Born in 1989

Here you can see all Female K-Pop idols in the database that were born in 1989 (Kpop female ’89 liners).

Girl pictured above is Yuri from Girls’ Generation.

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More Years:

Both 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Male 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Female 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

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Profile Stage Name Full Name K. Stage Name Date of Birth Age Group Country Gender
ProfileTaeyeonKim Taeyeon태연1989-03-0935SNSDSouth KoreaF
SunnyLee Sunkyu써니1989-05-1535SNSDSouth KoreaF
TiffanyHwang Miyoung티파니1989-08-0135SNSDSouth KoreaF
HyoyeonKim Hyoyeon효연1989-09-2235SNSDSouth KoreaF
YuriKwon Yuri유리1989-12-0535SNSDSouth KoreaF
JessicaJessica Jung제시카1989-04-1835South KoreaF
BoraYoon Bora보라1989-12-3035SISTARSouth KoreaF
ProfileSoljiHeo Solji솔지1989-01-1036EXIDSouth KoreaF
ProfileYennyPark Yeeun예은1989-05-2635Wonder GirlsSouth KoreaF
JiaMeng Jia지아1989-02-0336miss AChinaF
SungahSon Sungah성아1989-07-08359MusesSouth KoreaF
AileeLee Yejin에일리1989-05-3035South KoreaF
JeiKim Jinhee재이1989-09-0535FiestarSouth KoreaF
LinzyIm Minji린지1989-10-2235FiestarSouth KoreaF
ProfileHyominPark Sunyoung효민1989-05-3035T-araSouth KoreaF
RainaOh Hyerin레이나1989-05-0735After SchoolSouth KoreaF
BekahRebecca Kim베카1989-08-1135South KoreaF
GabinKim Gabin가빈1989-09-1835BladySouth KoreaF
ProfileHyosungJun Hyoseong효성1989-10-1335SECRETSouth KoreaF
NoeulNo Eul노을1989-05-1035RainbowSouth KoreaF
JiyouIm Changsook지유1989-06-1535Two XSouth KoreaF
JisunHwang Jisun지선1989-10-1735S#aFLASouth KoreaF
YujinJeong Yujin유진1989-10-2335S#aFLASouth KoreaF