K-Pop Idols Born in 1987

Fei miss A sexy

Here you can see all K-Pop idols in the database that were born in 1987 (Kpop ’87 liners).

Male K-Pop Idols born in 1987 are shown in a row with light blue background

Female K-Pop Idols born in 1987 are shown in a row with light pink background

Girl pictured above is Fei from miss A.

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More Years:

Both 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Male 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Female 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Lists based on Month Born: K-Pop Idols born in JanuaryK-Pop Idols born in FebruaryK-Pop Idols born in MarchK-Pop Idols born in AprilK-Pop Idols born in MayK-Pop Idols born in JuneK-Pop Idols born in JulyK-Pop Idols born in AugustK-Pop Idols born in SeptemberK-Pop Idols born in OctoberK-Pop Idols born in NovemberK-Pop Idols born in December.

Profile Stage Name Full Name K. Stage Name Date of Birth Group Country Gender
GainSon Gain가인1987-09-20Brown Eyed GirlsSouth KoreaF
FeiWang FeiFei페이1987-04-27miss AChinaF
HyunaMoon Hyuna현아1987-01-19South KoreaF
VictoriaSong Qian빅토리아1987-02-02f(x)ChinaF
G.NAGina Jane Choi지나1987-09-13CanadaF
Cao LuCao Lu차오루1987-08-30FiestarChinaF
ProfileSoyeonPark Soyeon소연1987-10-05South KoreaF
JooyeonLee Jooyeon주연1987-03-19South KoreaF
T.O.PChoi Seunghyun1987-11-04BIGBANGSouth KoreaM
RyeowookKim Ryeowook려욱1987-06-21Super JuniorSouth KoreaM
KibumKim Kibum기범1987-08-21South KoreaM
JeongkyunJeong Jeongkyun정균1987-11-27WE:ASouth KoreaM
KyungilSong Kyungil경일1987-11-28HISTORYSouth KoreaM
SeunghoYang Seungho승호1987-10-16MBLAQSouth KoreaM
G.OJung Byunghee지오1987-11-06MBLAQSouth KoreaM
BoaKim Boah보아1987-01-14KEEMBOSouth KoreaF