Male K-Pop Idols Born In 1995

BTS V Born in 1995

Here you can see all Male K-Pop idols in the database that were born in 1995 (Kpop male ’95 liners).

Pictured above is V from BTS.

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Male 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

Female 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986

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Profile Stage Name Full Name K. Stage Name Date of Birth Age Group Country Gender
ProfileJongupMoon Jongup종업1995-02-0630B.A.PSouth KoreaM
ProfileJiminPark Jimin지민1995-10-1329BTSSouth KoreaM
ProfileVKim Taehyung1995-12-3029BTSSouth KoreaM
ProfileHyukHan Sanghyuk1995-07-0529VIXXSouth KoreaM
SungjaeYook Sungjae성재1995-05-0229BtoBSouth KoreaM
ProfileS.CoupsChoi Seungcheol에스.쿱스1995-08-0829SeventeenSouth KoreaM
ProfileJeonghanYoon Jeonghan정한1995-10-0429SeventeenSouth KoreaM
ProfileJoshuaHong Jisoo조슈아1995-12-3029SeventeenUSAM
YoungminJo Youngmin영민1995-04-2429BoyfriendSouth KoreaM
KwangminJo Kwangmin광민1995-04-2429BoyfriendSouth KoreaM
MinwooNo Minwoo민우1995-07-3129BoyfriendSouth KoreaM
ProfileShinwonGo Shinwon신원1995-12-1129PENTAGONSouth KoreaM
TaeyongLee Taeyong태용1995-07-0129NCTSouth KoreaM
JohnnyJohn Seo쟈니1995-02-0930NCTUSAM
YutaNakamoto Yuta유타1995-10-2629NCTJapanM
RickyYoo Changhyun리키1995-02-2729Teen TopSouth KoreaM
ChangjoChoi Jonghyun창조1995-11-1629Teen TopSouth KoreaM
ChaejinChae Jinseok채진1995-12-2629MYNAMESouth KoreaM
SongSong Yunhyeong1995-02-0830iKONSouth KoreaM
BobbyKim Jiwon바비1995-12-2129iKONSouth KoreaM
DowoonYoon Dowoon도운1995-08-2529DAY6South KoreaM
DawonLee Sanghyuk다원1995-07-2429SF9South KoreaM
HuiLiang Hui양휘1995-07-182924KChinaM
SuwoongLee Suwoong수웅1995-01-2030Boys RepublicSouth KoreaM
JRKim Jonghyun제이알1995-06-0829NU'ESTSouth KoreaM
BaekhoKang Dongho백호1995-07-2129NU'ESTSouth KoreaM
MinhyunHwang Minhyun민현1995-08-0929NU'ESTSouth KoreaM
RenChoi Minki1995-11-0329NU'ESTSouth KoreaM
SeongwuOng Seunwu성우1995-08-2529Wanna OneSouth KoreaM
J-UsLee Seungjoon제이어스1995-01-1330ONFSouth KoreaM
WyattShim Jaeyoung와이엇1995-01-2330ONFSouth KoreaM
MKPark Minkyun엠케이1995-11-1629ONFSouth KoreaM
HweseungYoo Hweseung회승1995-02-2829N.FlyingSouth KoreaM
YChoi Sungyoon와이1995-07-3129Golden ChildSouth KoreaM
JaeseokPark Jaeseok재석1995-11-2029South KoreaM
JinhooKim Jinwook진후1995-08-0229South KoreaM
KuhnNoh Sooil1995-11-1129UP10TIONSouth KoreaM
KidKim Junhoe키드1995-10-2629VARSITYSouth KoreaM
BulletJin Junwoo블릿1995-12-0229VARSITYSouth KoreaM
Kim SanggyunKim Sanggyun김상균1995-05-2329JBJ95South KoreaM
YanoSeo Sangwon야노1995-09-2729Topp DoggSouth KoreaM
KentaTakada Kenta켄타1995-01-1030JBJJapanM
YoungminLim Youngmin영민1995-12-2529South KoreaM
SanghoJo Sangho상호1995-02-1029SNUPERSouth KoreaM
KyuhyukShim Kyuhyuk규혁1995-01-1130Hot Blood YouthSouth KoreaM
RavnKim Yoongjo레이븐1995-09-0229OneusSouth KoreaM
DongheonLee Dongheon동헌1995-08-0429VeriverySouth KoreaM
BitsaeonKim Sangyeon빛새온1995-06-0429MONTSouth KoreaM
RubinLee Haejoon루빈1995-08-16291TEAMSouth KoreaM
SeungsikKang Seungsik승식1995-04-1629VICTONSouth KoreaM
Heo ChanHeo Chan허찬1995-12-1429South KoreaM
B.SLee Youngsoo비에스1995-04-142914USouth KoreaM
JaehanKim Jaehan재한1995-07-0129OMEGA XSouth KoreaM
HwarangPark Jonghan종찬1995-12-0529SpectrumSouth KoreaM
LaonShin Kyuhyun라온1995-12-1929ENOiSouth KoreaM
JihunKim Jihun지훈1995-02-2029KNKSouth KoreaM
InpyoLee Inpyo인표1995-08-1429IN2ITSouth KoreaM
MoonvokJang Moonvok문복1995-04-1129LimitlessSouth KoreaM
YonggeunJo Yonggeun용근1995-01-2330D1CESouth KoreaM
HyunsooKim Hyunsoo현수1995-04-1229D1CESouth KoreaM
YoojunJun Yoojun유준1995-07-2629D1CESouth KoreaM
WoodamPark Woodam우담1995-08-0229D1CESouth KoreaM
SiuHwang Inseok시우1995-05-1929DUSTINSouth KoreaM
MinhoLee Minho민호1995-09-0429MY.stSouth KoreaM
JuntaeKim Juntae준태1995-09-0429MY.stSouth KoreaM
NasonKim Duyeop네이슨1995-06-1229CHECKMATESouth KoreaM
GonLee Wonseo1995-08-0729VANNERSouth KoreaM