This is a list with K-Pop Groups that debuted in 2020 .
Some K-Pop Boygroups 2020 debuts are Cravity , ENHYPEN , MCND , DKB and TOO .
K-Pop Girlgroups that debuted in 2020 are cignature , weeekly , and woo!ah! . Secret Number and REDSQUARE also debuted on the same day (May 19, 2020).
Red Velvet ‘s sub-unit Red Velvet Irene & Seulgi also debuted in 2020.
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Profile Episode 에피소드 2020-02-04 Pops 5 5 Girl Yes Profile DKB Darkbee 다크비 2020-02-03 Brave 9 9 Boy Yes Profile cignature 시그니처 2020-02-04 C9 7 7 Girl Yes Profile CRAVITY 크래비티 2020-04-14 Starship 9 9 Boy Yes Profile Weeekly 위클리 2020-07-30 Play M 6 7 Girl Yes 2Z Tuzi 투지 2020-01-14 Morph 5 5 Boy Yes B.O.Y 비오브유 2020-01-20 Music Works 2 2 Boy Yes Profile CRAXY 크랙시 2020-03-03 SAITEINMENT 5 5 Girl Yes D.COY 디코이 2020-02-19 Rolling 5 5 Boy Yes Dustin 더스틴 2020-01-06 LPA 7 7 Boy The Sten Yes E'LAST 엘라스트 2020-06-09 E Entertainment 8 8 Boy Yes 페이블 2020-06-04 Haerium 5 5 Boy Yes KEEMBO 킴보 2020-04-10 ARA-LINE 2 2 Girl Yes Profile MCND 엠씨엔디 2020-02-27 TOP Media 5 5 Boy Yes 마이스트 2020-03-26 MYStar 5 5 Boy No OFF THE CUFF 오프더커프 2020-04-02 Purple 5 5 Boy No Profile REDSQUARE RSQ 레드스퀘어 2020-05-19 About 5 5 Girl Yes Profile SECRET NUMBER 시크릿넘버 2020-05-19 Vine 5 5 Girl Yes Profile TOO 티오오 2020-04-01 n.CH 10 10 Boy Yes Profile UNVS 유니버스 2020-02-23 CHITWN 5 5 Boy Yes Profile woo!ah! 우아 2020-05-15 NV 5 6 Girl Yes XENEX 제넥스 2020-02-26 GiEok 5 5 Boy Yes Profile Bling Bling 블링블링 2020-11-17 Major9 6 6 Girl Yes Profile STAYC 스테이씨 2020-11-12 Hi-Up 6 6 Girl Yes Profile Precious PRCS 프레셔스 2020-09-23 Umi 5 5 Girl Yes Profile XUM 썸 2020-09-22 A100 3 3 Girl AWEXUM No Profile DRIPPIN 드리핀 2020-10-26 Woollim 7 7 Boy Yes Profile ENHYPEN 엔하이픈 2020-11-30 Be:lift 7 7 Boy ENGENE Yes Profile P1Harmony P1H 피원하모니 2020-10-28 FNC 6 6 Boy Yes Profile Ghost9 고스트나인 2020-09-23 Maroo 7 9 Boy Yes Profile Maka Maka 마카마카 2020-08-04 Dreamus 5 5 Girl Yes Profile Blastar 블레스타 2020-07-31 VH 5 5 Girl No Profile Wei 위아이 2020-10-05 OUI 6 6 Boy Yes BlackSwan 블랙스완 2020-10-16 DR 5 5 Girl Yes BOTOPASS 보토패스 2020-08-26 WKS ENE 8 8 Girl Yes Profile LUNARSOLAR 루나솔라 2020-09-02 J Planet 4 4 Girl Haedal No Checkmate 체크메이트 2020-09-21 Grace 5 5 Co-Ed Yes Profile aespa æspa 에스파 2020-11-17 SM 4 4 Girl My Yes Profile AREAL 에이리얼 2020-08-21 JZ Factory 4 4 Girl No BAE173 비에이이173 2020-11-19 PocketDol 9 9 Boy Yes BXK Boys X King 비엑스케이 2020-11-02 New Planet 6 6 Boy Yes Profile Treasure 트레저 2020-08-07 YG 12 12 Boy Yes PRISMA 프리즈마 2020-10-31 UnionWave 5 5 Girl Yes