Twice leader Jihyo is the 5th member to have here individual video teaser for Twice’s Feel Special revealed. The 5 members with already a teaser video are Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo and Sana. Feel Special’s release date is September 23, 2019. Follow on Google News
Kep1er will make their debut titled First Impact on December 14, 2021. The Kep1er members are Kim Chaehyun, Huening Bahiyyih, Choi Yujin, Kim Dayeon, Seo Youngeun, Kang Yeseo, Ezaki Hikaru, Sakamoto Mashiro and Shen Xiao Ting. Today we have the teaser photos for Huening Bahiyyih, Youngeun and Yeseo. Yesterday we had for Chaehyun, Dayeon and Hikaru, and they day before for Yujin, Xiaoting and Mashiro. Click for full size!…
Rocket Punch will debut on August 7, 2019 with the release titled Pink Punch. Here are the first concept/teaser photos of their debut, click for full size! Follow on Google News
Oh My Girl released the song Bungee (Fall In Love) from the Summer Package Album in August 5, 2019. As usual, they had a photoshoot for Naver x Dispatch. Click on the photos for full size! Follow on Google News
Twice released two teaser videos for their upcoming Japanese releases. On July 17 they will release their 4th Japanese single titled Happy Happy. This is a “light” concept with Sun as the motif. On July 24 they will release their 5th Japanese single titled Breakthrough. This is the “darker” concept with Moon as the motif….