K-Pop Idols Born in 2007

IVE Leeseo, born in 2007

Here you can see all K-Pop idols in the database that were born in 2007 (Kpop ’07 liners, K-Pop Idols Born in 2007).

Male K-Pop Idols born in 2007 are shown in a row with light blue background

Female K-Pop Idols born in 2007 are shown in a row with light pink background

Girl pictured above is Leeseo from IVE.

Check the K-Pop Database Tables page for more.

Profile Stage Name Full Name K. Stage Name Date of Birth Group Country Gender
ProfileLeeseoLee Hyunseo이서2007-02-21IVESouth KoreaF
JiminWon Jimin지민2007-11-25CLASS:ySouth KoreaF
RiwonKim Riwon리원2007-01-11CLASS:ySouth KoreaF
HyerinJeong Hyerin혜린2007-04-12tripleSSouth KoreaF
ProfileAhyeonJung Ahyeon아현2007-04-11BABYMONSTERSouth KoreaF
ProfileHaramShin Haram하람2007-10-17BABYMONSTERSouth KoreaF
SeungheonLee Seungheon승헌2007-05-158TURNSouth KoreaM
SoominKim Soomin수민2007-10-03tripleSSouth KoreaF
ProfileYujinHan Yujin유진2007-03-20ZEROBASEONESouth KoreaM
HanbinChoi Hanbin한빈2007-07-25The WindSouth KoreaM
HayuchanPark Hayuchan하유찬2007-08-21The WindSouth KoreaM
ChaerinLee Chaerin채린2007-07-07KELT9bSouth KoreaF
KyungminLee Kyungmin경민2007-10-02TWSSouth KoreaM
HayeonJeong Hayeon하연2007-08-01tripleSSouth KoreaF
RexKim Minjun렉스2007-07-27DXMONSouth KoreaM
DoeunKim Doeun도은2007-12-24YOUNG POSSESouth KoreaF
WonheeLee Wonhee원희2007-06-26ILLITSouth KoreaF
NanaEzumi Nana나나2007-06-06UNISJapanF
GehleeGehlee Dangca젤리2007-08-19UNISPhilippinesF
KotokoFujiyosi Kotoko코토코2007-10-28UNISJapanF
SuiCho Sui수이2007-08-15Candy ShopSouth KoreaF
SarangChoi Sarang사랑2007-11-30Candy ShopSouth KoreaF
YuinaFutatsugami Yuina유이나2007-02-27Candy ShopSouth KoreaF
NagomiAbe Nagomi나고미2007-07-02MadeinJapanF
HaramYoo Haram하람2007-04-12Hearts2HeartsSouth KoreaF

Note that the database only includes members of K-Pop idol groups, not kids groups.

IVE Leeseo, born in 2007
IVE Leeseo, born in 2007