Hashtag My Style Concept

Hashtag My Style Concept Photos (HD/HR)

Girl Group Hashtag released a digital single some days ago titled My Style. It doesn’t have a MV yet but they are performing the song in music shows.

Here are the concept photos of the Hashtag members for My Style. Click for full size!

Hashtag My Style Dajeong Concept
Hashtag Daejeong
Hashtag My Style Hyunji Concept
Hashtag Hyunji
Hashtag My Style Seungmin Concept
Hashtag Seungmin
Hashtag My Style Sojin Concept
Hashtag Sojin
Hashtag My Style Sua Concept
Hashtag Sua
Hashtag My Style Subin Concept
Hashtag Subin
Hashtag My Style Aeji Concept
Hashtag Aeji

Hashtag My Style Concept

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