Brave Girls Members

Brave Girls


Brave Girls

Korean Name:



April 8, 2011

Brave Girls (브레이브걸스) are a 4 member girl group formed in 2011 under Brave Entertainment. Their debut song was entitled Do You Know from the Single Album The Difference.

The current line-up includes Eunji (은지), Yujeong (유정), Minyoung (민영) and Yuna (유나).

The original line-up included Eunyoung (은영), Seoa (서아), Yejin (예진), Yoojin (유진) and Hyeran (유진).

In February 2021 Brave Girls gained a sudden surge in popularity after a compilation of their song Rollin went viral.

Brave Girls Youtube Channel: Brave Entertainment

Brave Girls V app Channel: BRAVE Entertainment

Brave Girls Facebook Page: bravegirls.official

Brave Girls Twitter Page: @BRAVEGIRLS_

Brave Girls Instagram Profile: @bravegirls.official

Brave Girls Official Website: Brave Entertainment

Brave Girls Discord (unofficial): Brave Girls

Brave Girls Reddit:


ProfileStage NameFull NameKorean NameKor. StageDate of BirthCountrySecond CountryBirthplaceFormer
ProfileMinyoungKim Minyeong김민영민영1990-09-12South KoreaSeongnam
ProfileYujeongNam Yujeong남유정유정1991-05-02South KoreaSeoul
ProfileEunjiHong Eunji홍은지은지1992-07-19South KoreaSeoul
ProfileYunaLee Yuna이유나유나1993-04-06South KoreaSeoul

Music Videos


Official Images