ENHYPEN made a comeback on October 12, 2021 with their 1st Full Album titled ‘DIMENSION : DILEMMA’.
The song Tamed-Dashed serves as the title track.
The Enhypen members are: Jungwon,Jay, Jake, Ni-Ki, Heeseung, Sunghoon and Sunoo.
Check their concept/profile photos in the gallery below, and under that gallery the MV for Tamed-Dashed, with screencaps from the MV to check who’s who.
VERIVERY made their comeback on July 1, 2020 with the song Thunder from the EP titled Face You. They have two sets of concept photos: One “white” version and one “black” version. You can see them in the gallery below. Also visit the VeriVery profile page with older HR concept photos. Follow dbkpop.com on Google…
IVE will make a comeback with their 1st full album titled I’VE IVE on April 10, 2023. The IVE members are Gaeul, Yujin, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz and Leeseo. The first teaser/concept photos are for members Gaeul, Yujin and Rei. Check them below, click for full size! IVETHE 1ST ALBUM<I’ve IVE> CONCEPT PHOTO'ANYUJIN' ALBUM RELEASE2023.04.10 MON 6PM (KST)#IVE #아이브#ANYUJIN #안유진#IveIVE #아이해브아이브 pic.twitter.com/SycebGjuwn —…
GFRIEND, who recently had a comeback with Apple, are featured in Elle Korea’s August 2020 issue. There are some high resolution/high quality photos available from this photoshoot, you can see them in the gallery below! Follow dbkpop.com on Google News
TRI.BE made a comeback with their 3rd single album Leviosa on August 9, 2022. The song KISS is the title track, and you can watch it and check screencaps and who’s who here. The TRI.BE members are Jia, Kelly, Mire, Songsun, Hyunbin, Jinha and Soeun. Jinha doesn’t participate in this comeback. You can check the TRI.BE Leviosa Concept Photos in the gallery below, click for…
Two weeks ago MOMOLAND had a comeback with their 3rd single album titled Ready or Not. You can check the MV page of Ready or Not here, and the concept photos in good quality and resolution in the gallery below. Click for full size! Follow dbkpop.com on Google News